Multi-Family Programs

Multi-Family Programs


The Housing Finance Authority of Escambia County (the "Authority") is an active issuer of tax exempt revenue bond financing for qualified multifamily housing developments, which meet the goals of the Authority and comply with applicable federal and state law. The Escambia HFA may issue bonds to finance any multi-family project in Florida pursuant to an Interlocal Agreement with the applicable County or Housing Finance Authority in which a proposed development is located. The Authority has adopted its Multi-Family Tax Exempt Mortgage Revenue Bond Program Policy and Procedures (the “Guidelines”) to set forth the general requirements and procedures that apply to the financing of multifamily housing developments. The Authority may waive specific provisions of the Guidelines where good cause is shown and adequate supporting documentation is provided. Any waiver is at the sole discretion of the Authority. In addition, the Guidelines may be amended, revised, repealed or otherwise altered by the Authority with or without notice. The Authority is specifically interested in receiving Applications for redevelopment, conversion and/or mixed income developments that provide affordable housing as an integral component and incorporate green, enhanced energy efficiency or other innovative features.

Interested Applicants should initially file a Rental Development Application with the Authority to enable both parties to quickly determine the scope of the proposed development. Applications may be submitted to the Authority anytime Monday through Friday.

The Multifamily Tax Exempt Bond Application is available.

The Multifamily Tax Exempt Bond Application will form the basis for entering discussions with the Applicant about the planned multifamily development, determining basic qualifications and securing initial review by the Authority’s Registered Municipal Advisor. Assuming the Applicant, Authority and Authority’s Issuer's Counsel and Registered Municipal Advisor collectively agree to move forward with all required documentation, must be filed with the Authority by the Applicant. The formal Application will be requested by the Applicant by the Authority at the appropriate time in the review process. Applicants should not send documentation directly to the Authority’s Municipal Advisor unless specifically directed to do so by the Authority’s Executive Director.

Ultimately, the Authority’s Board will decide if the Applicant will be invited into credit underwriting. Submission of an Application does not entitle the Applicant to bond financing, even if sufficient bond allocation is available to fund the development.

The Authority will not consider issuing its revenue bonds to provide financing for any development unless the applicant has satisfied the general requirements set forth in the Guidelines, submits a timely, complete, and acceptable application, and complies with all of the procedures and requirements contained within the Guidelines. The Authority reserves the right to impose additional requirements on any particular development. Compliance with the Guidelines does not and shall not create any right by an applicant to a commitment or assurance that the Authority will provide the requested financing.

The Authority provides below market rate loans of bond proceeds for construction, rehabilitation and permanent financing of multifamily housing developments. The funds are made available through the issuance by the Authority of revenue bonds (the "Bonds"). If the Authority requires credit enhancement on the Bonds, the borrower must arrange to secure or collateralize the Bonds. The Bonds are secured solely by the credit enhancement provided by the borrower and/or by revenues from the development. In no event shall public revenues ever secure the bonds. The Authority is merely a conduit and shall not be liable on any Bonds. From time to time the Authority may approve other financing structures to the extent permitted by law. The multifamily program has been undertaken by the Authority in order to alleviate the shortage of affordable housing for low and moderate income persons and families, foster investment of capital in the community, stimulate economic development, and create localized employment opportunities.

Firms participating with the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority:

Investment Banking Firm acting as senior managing underwriter for the issuance of the Authority's multifamily housing revenue bonds:
RBC Capital Markets
100 2nd Avenue S. Suite 800
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Telephone: (727) 895-8892
Contact Person: Helen Hough Feinberg -

Registered Municipal Advisor
CSG Advisors Incorporated
41 Perimeter Center East, Suite 615
Atlanta, GA 30346
Telephone: (678) 319-1911
Contact Person: David Jones –

Bond Counsel
Bryant Miller Olive P.A.
1545 Raymond Diehl Road, Suite 300
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Telephone: (850) 222-8611
Contact Person: Bob Reid -; Rhonda Bond-Collins -

Issuer’s Counsel
Bryant Miller Olive P.A.
1545 Raymond Diehl Road, Suite 300
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Telephone: (850) 222-8611
Contact Person: Bob Reid -; Rhonda Bond-Collins -

Rebate Analysis
Integrity Public Finance Consulting, LLC
130 Riverplace Boulevard, Suite 2101
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Telephone: (904) 652-0794
Contact Person: Scott Gordon -

FHFC Approved Credit Underwriters

Seltzer Management Group, Inc.
First Housing Development Corporation of Florida
AmeriNational Community Services, Inc.

Applications should be submitted either electronically, or in triplicate if hard copy, to:

Fran Jones
Director of Housing
Escambia County Housing Finance Authority
700 South Palafox Street, Suite 310
Pensacola, Florida 32502-5958
E-Mail: Fran Jones
Ph. (850) 432-7077
Toll Free: (800) 388-1970
Direct: (850) 972-9872


Lisa Bernau
Executive Director
Escambia County Housing Finance Authority
700 South Palafox Street, Suite 310
Pensacola, Florida 32502-5958
E-Mail: Lisa Bernau
Ph. (850) 432-7077
Toll Free: (800) 388-1970 

Multi-Family Application Form

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